DEI Hiring: How to Create Inclusive Job Descriptions

Inclusive job descriptions are crafted to welcome a diverse range of applicants and minimize unconscious biases related to gender, age, disability, and cultural background. Here’s a comprehensive guide to creating job descriptions that foster diversity and inclusion:

What is an Inclusive Job Description?

An inclusive job description is designed to attract a diverse array of candidates by using language that is free from gender and cultural biases, and by clearly outlining qualifications and responsibilities without unintended discrimination.

How to Use Inclusive Language in a Job Description

  1. Avoid Gender-Coded Words: Use neutral terms instead of gender-coded words like “wizard” or “rockstar” which might appeal predominantly to one gender.

  2. Eliminate Age Bias: Avoid terms like “digital native,” which suggest preference for younger applicants. Instead, specify the skills needed, such as “proficient in social media platforms.”

  3. Accommodate Disabilities: Focus on what needs to be accomplished, not how it is done. For instance, say “needs to move equipment weighing up to 50 pounds” instead of “must be able to lift 50 pounds.”

What is Not Recommended for Creating Inclusive Job Descriptions

  • Avoid using jargon and terms that are obscure or overly specific to certain cultures or experiences.

  • Do not list unnecessary qualifications that might deter qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds.

How to Write an Equitable Job Description

  • Clearly define the necessary skills and qualifications without embedding them in demographic-specific traits.

  • Include a statement about your organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

How to Write a Job Description for Diversity and Inclusion

  • Highlight your company’s diversity policies and benefits like parental leave or accommodations for religious practices.

  • Use tools to check your job description for biased language.

How to Include Diversity in a Job Description

  • Explicitly encourage people from underrepresented groups to apply.

  • Mention that experience from a wide range of backgrounds will be considered.


Instead of “He will manage a team...”, use “The manager will oversee a team...”.

Replace “We require a young and energetic professional...” with “We are looking for a professional with high endurance and enthusiasm...”.

Creating inclusive job descriptions not only helps in attracting diverse candidates but also promotes a culture of inclusivity within the organization, enhancing the overall work environment.

How to Ensure Accessibility in Job Descriptions

  1. Use Clear and Simple Language: Write in plain language to ensure that the job description is understandable by people with varying levels of language proficiency.

  2. Specify Accessibility Accommodations: State that accommodations are available for candidates during the interview process and in their potential employment.

Emphasize Your Organizational Values

  • Clearly state your commitment to creating an inclusive workplace. This could be through mentioning your equality policies or specific initiatives aimed at increasing workplace diversity.

Regularly Review and Update Job Descriptions

  • Continually revise job descriptions to adapt to new diversity standards and practices. This ensures that they remain relevant and inclusive as societal views and standards evolve.

By following these guidelines, organizations can create job descriptions that not only attract a wide range of candidates but also demonstrate a genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion. This approach can significantly enhance the inclusivity of the hiring process and, by extension, the workplace culture.


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