Introducing the Empowered coalition: Where Purpose Meets Support for the Champions of Change

Diversity, equity, and inclusion practioners, allies, and advocates often face internal and external challenges that threaten the progress of their work. For many of us, DEI is more than what we do; it’s a reflection of who we are. And because of that, every setback, every challenge, every cynical rebuttal isn't just professional—it's personal. Yet, here we stand, on the front lines of this ideological battleground. We're expected to keep doing the work while simultaneously living the work without proper support or care.

As a DEI practitioner, I needed a place to process but couldn't find one. So, I'm creating one! My goal is to make this a psychologically secure space for DEI professionals, social justice champions, change agents... anyone actively committed to empowering minoritized communities can unpack, recharge, and reinvigorate our commitment.

Facing Resistance? You're Not Alone.

Empowering Changemakers: The DEI Restoration and Recovery Community—Your Ultimate Resource for Coalition-Building, Resource Sharing, and Restorative Care


Welcome to a space explicitly designed for you—those valiantly dedicated to elevating and empowering marginalized communities. Here, you'll find not just resources and guidance but a community that understands the weight of the mantle you carry and stands ready to uplift you in your moments of need. We're not just advocates; we're comrades. Together, we'll build a sanctuary of support and transformative energy that fortifies our collective spirit for the challenges ahead.

How It Works

01. First step

Enter your contact information below to join our waitlist.

02. Second Step

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03. Third Step

Get notified when we open enrollment for this transformational membership community!

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