Together in Solidarity: impact processing Circles For DEI Teams


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Burnout //

For DEI practitioners, burnout can feel like being emotionally and mentally drained, weighed down by the constant uphill battle to drive meaningful change in spaces that might not always recognize or value their efforts.

Lack of support //

DEI practitioners often face a sense of isolation and frustration, stemming from a lack of understanding or adequate support, which can leave them feeling unsupported and alone.

Overwhelm //

DEI practitioners frequently find themselves feeling overwhelmed, juggling the immense responsibility of fostering inclusivity with the constant pressure to effect change in systems that can be slow to evolve.

 Foster healing and connection

impact processing Circles - for Dei Teams


You're not in this alone

Could your team benefit from a structured environment that not only fosters emotional support but also equips them with practical strategies for resilience in DEI work?

Impact processing circles are exactly what they need! Circles cultivate

  • A nurturing space to release stress and find relief from the emotional fatigue that comes with their demanding roles

  • A deeper understanding and empathy among team members, fostering a stronger, more cohesive unit for tackling DEI initiatives

  • A platform for open, honest dialogue, circles help bridge the gap in existing support systems

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Why Circles?

Circles provide an invaluable support system for DEI practitioners, offering a safe and nurturing environment where they can openly share experiences, challenges, and insights. These circles facilitate a deeper sense of community and understanding among peers, allowing practitioners to not only voice their concerns but also to find empathy and encouragement from those who truly understand the nuances of their work.

Through guided discussions and shared reflections, these sessions help alleviate the emotional and mental burdens that often accompany DEI roles, fostering resilience and rejuvenation. This supportive framework not only addresses the immediate needs of DEI professionals but also equips them with renewed strength and strategies to continue their important work with vigor and effectiveness.

Benefits of Circles





How It works

01. Book Your Call

Using the form below, schedule your free discovery call to learn more about our solidarity circles.

02. Needs Assessment

Next, we will conduct a needs assessment to better understand your team dynamics.

03. Pathway forward

Together, we will co-create a circle experience for your team.


Course Correction Consulting, Inc.—your ally in fortifying and maintaining the purpose of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We specialize in helping DEI practitioners, allies, and advocates like you navigate the complexities of high-risk, anti-DEI legislative environments. In a world where the tides of political and social landscapes can shift dramatically, we are committed to being your steadfast partner in resilience and adaptability.

Dr. Marquita M. Booker, Esquire, founded Course Correction Consulting. Dr. Booker is a seasoned DEI practitioner, legal analyst, and change management professional who recognized the pressing need for specialized support for other DEI practitioners. She has over 15 years of experience in education, corporate sectors, and government and brings her wealth of knowledge to help you tailor your DEI strategies effectively.

Book Your Discover Call

*Upon submission you will be redirected to a scheduling page for your call*


Interested in learning more?

Click the button below to download a digital pamphlet explaining more about Impact Processing Circles.